LP, Leonard Bernstein
LP, Leonard Bernstein
Mass, flot 2xLP boks-set udgivet i 1971.
Stand vinyler: EX
32 siders booklet medfølger.
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Mass: A Theatre Piece For Singers, Players And Dancers
I. Devotions Before Mass
A1a 1. Antiphon: Kyrie Eleison
A1b 2. Hymn And Psalm: \"A Simple Song\"
A1c 3. Responsory: Alleluia
Il. First Introit (Rondo)
A2a 1. Prefatory Prayers
A2b 2. Thrice - Triple Canon: Dominum Vobiscum
Ill. Second Introit
A3a 1. In Nomine Patris
A3b 2. Prayer For The Congregation (Chorale: \"Almighty Father\")
A3c 3. Epiphany
IV. Confession
A4a 1. Confiteor
A4b 2. Trope: \"I Don\'t Know\"
A4c 3. Trope: \"Easy\"
B1 V. Meditation #1
Vl. Gloria
B2a 1. Gloria Tibi
B2b 2. Gloria In Excelsis
B2c 3. Trope: \"Half Of The People\"
B2d 4. Trope: \"Thank You\"
B3 VIl. Meditation #2
B4 VIll. Epistle: \"The Word Of The Lord\"
B5 IX. Gospel-Sermon: \"God Said\"
X. Credo
C1a 1. Credo In Unum Deum
C1b 2. Trope: \"Non Credo\"
C1c 3. Trope: \"Hurry\"
C1d 4. Trope: \"World Without End\"
C1e 5. Trope: \"I Believe In God\"
C2 Xl. Meditation #3 (De Profundis, Part 1)
C3 Xll. Offertory (De Profundis, Part 2)
Xlll. The Lord\'s Prayer
C4a 1. \"Our Father...\"
C4b 2. Trope: \"I Go On\"
C5 XlV. Sanctus
C6 XV. Agnus Dei (Beginning)
D1 XV. Agnus Dei (Conclusion)
D2 XVI. Fraction: \"Things Get Broken\"
D3 XVIl. Pax: Communion (\"Secret Songs\")