Synthesizer, Tiptop Audio BD808
Synthesizer, Tiptop Audio BD808
Eurorack, Modul. Kick baseret på Rolands TR-808 Bass Drum.
Modulen har accent input, og man kan også styre Tone og Decay med knobs.
Lyder super, og er I perfekt stand (har dog ikke undersøgt hvis der rash).
Kan afhentes i København eller sendes med GLS.
"A really good sounding clone of the bass drum of the good old TR808 as a space-efficient 4HP Eurorack module.
Much attention has been paid to keeping original behaviour while developing this direct clone of the TR-808 bass drum. The module recreates the punchy, rolling low bassdrum we love and can be pretty loud. Especially with accent and level parameters set to high values you´ll achieve levels of 20Vpp. This will of course overdrive subsequent units but you´ll save on distortions or gain staging units and will allow for a sound palette from mild and round to dirty and aggressive - quite versatile in sound.
The gate input is normalized to the dynamic accent input. If nothing is patched to the accent input the bass drum will be played with highest velocity. On the other hand this allows you for adjusting the output level with the accent control.
Controls for Level, Tone, Decay and accent level."